Friday, May 16, 2014

PA Coffee Morning: Cyber Wellness - Mentoring the Internet Generation Online and Offline Seminar

Date: 27th June, 2014 (Friday)

Time: 8:30am - 11:30am (3 hours)

Venue: Auditorium

Register by emailing TIS PA ( by 13th June, 2014 to reserve a place. Do specify your child's class.

RM20/participant for a minimum of 50 participants. 
Alternatively, it will be RM40/participant for the minimum of 25 participants. 
Registered parents will be notified via email on payment arrangement.

For those who would like more insight into what to expect at this Cyber Wellness talk, here's an article about the facilitators themselves and their background.

Archives | The Star Online:
Games are bad only when the line between entertainment and obsession is breached. 

Cyber Wellness - it's not just about internet-safety, it's about a balanced reality.

As youth are increasingly spending more time online, Persatuan Kebajikan Generasi Gemilang will address many issues both parents and students face today, such as gaming-addiction, cyber-bullying, the dangers of pornography, and how to respect and maintain one's privacy in everything from Blogs and e-mails to Facebook and other forms of social networking. Parents will be able to discuss these issues openly and address them accordingly. The goal during these sessions is in creating an open and healthy cyber culture that will enable families to get connected and to stay connected with each other.

Cyber Wellness is a two-fold approach. Coming from the Cyber Generation itself, are people who will address these issues from a standpoint of experience, understanding and relevance. And on the other hand, approaching them from a standpoint of balance, reality, and a wholesome lifestyle.

The targeted groups for these sessions are adults, parents, leaders, mentors, decision-makers and people who have a heart for the digital generation. If that's you, this is for you.

With the increase of technology, the need for a balanced lifestyle continues to grow and is becoming exceedingly more important more than ever.


Seminar Details

1.     In depth explorative program
2.     To effectively equip adults with principles on mentoring the next generation in their Internet world
3.     Create awareness concerning the dangers of these trends
4.     Impart principles and insights for effective mentoring
5.     Provide a platform for those who also need assistance
Target Audience
1.     Adults – Parents, Educators, Youth Workers, Counsellors, etc)     
3  hours
Description of Program
General Course Outline:
1.     Examine cyber trends and seriousness of issues.
2.     Create awareness concerning these trends.
3.     Tips and handles on Mentoring.
Primary Course Outline:
1.     Overview of Cyberspace, Generations and Gaps.
2.     Social Media:
- Evolving trends
- Impact
- The good, the bad and the ugly
- Evolving trends
- Motivations of Social Networking
3.     Gaming:
- Industry Overview and Progression
- Motivations for Gaming
- The good, the bad and the ugly
4.     PorNOgraphy:
- Industry Overview and Progression
- Motivations for PorNOgraphy
- Consequence of PorNOgraphy
5.     Mentoring:
- Handles and Principles
- Effective roles to be played
- Family Orientation
6.     Q&A
Notes. Participants will receive an immediate update on latest world cyber trends and will learn proven handles and guides in key area of the cyber world and how to mentor through these situations.

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